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Главная > Патчи, обновления >

Worms 4: Mayhem 1.01 (Патчи)

15. 09. 2005 09:37

Разработчик :Team 17 Software
Размер :75 МБ
К недавно вышедшей четвертой части популярнейшей аркады Worms уже доступен патч. Он вносит следующие изменения:

Worms 4: Mayhem by Team17 Software - retail v1.01 patch

Technical Description

Self-extracting .exe file. click "WormsMayhemPATCHv1.01.exe" to install and
follow on-screen instructions.


Service patch 1 is now available for download. It is essential to upgrade your
copy of Worms 4: Mayhem to the latest version as it includes significant bug
fixes and features.

The main bug fixes apply to the network side of the game, including setting up
games and improvements to the user interface.

Added features have also been implemented. You can now chat in between turns
and plug & play support for routers is available (making getting online
easier). Problems with the "never-ending rope hooking" bug have also been
ironed out.