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Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault 1.2 (Патчи)

20. 09. 2005 16:49

Разработчик :EA Pacific
Дата выхода :1.2
Размер :134 МБ
Для главного конкурента Call of Duty - Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault вышел второй по счёту патч. Этот патч вносит в игру следующие изменения:

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault(tm) Patch Version 1.2
Read Me File

September 15, 2004

Thank you for downloading Medal of Honor Pacific Assault(tm) Patch. This
readme file contains information describing fixes and changes.


Once patched, please be advised that Medal of Honor Pacific Assault(tm) will
not be compatible with unpatched servers and may not be compatible with mods
written for the unpatched version. Patched games can only play with other
games that are patched as well.


New Features for Version 1.2

- Patch 2 contains all fixes from all previous patches including Patch 1.
- Numerous single player levels have been modified to improve product polish.
- Various crash exploits have been repaired.
- Server passwords now work as intended.
- Players with negative bonus points can now join stat-tracked servers.
- Retaining class when transitioning no longer allows bypassing of class
- An Ammo Tech Weapons exploit has been fixed.
- Player can no longer use blocked weapons.
- After voting for map change, map rotations now function correctly.
- Muted Spectators can no longer chat with teammates.
- Player Deaths now clear after transition.
- Team wins no longer carry over after relaunching from shell.
- Bashing is now allowed from all bolt action rifles when rechambering.
- Red exploding barrels now injure players.
- Blur FX no longer remains after dismounting turret.
- Holstering your weapon now makes you run faster.
- Players no longer respawn looking at the ground.
- There is now a dot at the center of the dynamic crosshair.
- The crosshair now changes contextually based on your target.
- Dead bodies no longer look propped up and not dead.
- The escape key no longer loses funtionality in game.
- The Welcome Screen Message of the Day allows multiple items to be displayed
- Shooting a dead player no longer raises your accuracy.
- Numerous localization fixes for all territories

Team Kill Banning

Banning now works as intended. The duration of the ban in seconds can be
adjusted via the g_teamkillbanduration variable. The variable can be set to 0
to indicate that the ban should be permanent.

Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA)

This patch allows you to turn on full-screen anti-aliasing. To turn it on you
must modify the value of the following variable:

r_multisample_quality 0 - No multi-sampling
1 - 1 x multi-sampling
2 - 2 x multi-sampling
16 - 16 x mutli-sampling

The software will automatically degrade the value of r_multisample_quality to
the highest possible value that your hardware is capable of. In order to see
the results of this change you will need to exit the game and return. Once set,
the value of this variable will be preserved.

The default value for r_multisample_quality is 0 or No multi-sampling.